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Outerwears Air Filter Cover

- Air Filter Cover
- Compatible with WCF100717 4" Air Filter and WCF100719 5" Air Filters
- Enhances the efficiency of performance / exposed air filters
- Hydrophobic water-repellent treatment
- UV resistant
- Filters debris down to .005”
- Resistant to heat up to 450 degrees F
- Puncture resistant
Availability: In Stock. Ships in 3-5 business days.
Pricing: $45.00
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We use and recommend these Outerwears Air Filter Covers for all WCFab air filters used in our turbo kits and intake kits. These Pre-filters are designed to deflect the damaging debris, which can prematurely clog air filters, compromising peak air-flow and horsepower. The Pre-filter also extends the time between servicing intervals for your primary air filter media reducing costs and increasing convenience. 

These Pre-filters contain uniform micron openings and are run dry meaning no additional oils or additives are required. Running a dry Pre-filter means there is no dirt sticking to the oil creating premature loss of airflow and horsepower. Only those particles of dirt smaller than .005" get into the actual air filter, the larger particles simply fall off the pre-filter. In addition, these filter covers are constructed with a woven mesh that is specially treated at the mill using a proprietary process to repel water. This hydrophobic water repellent process is not sprayed on; consequently, there is no airflow loss. Whether you use your vehicle for everyday driving or for hard core off-road racing, Pre-filters will work for you to protect and extend the life of your performance air filter and engine.

Water Resistant - The filter cover's Hydrophobic treatment helps repel moisture and protect against water entering into the engine due to puddle splash or heavy rainstorms. Although our Pre-Filters are proven to be extremely effective in repelling water, please keep in mind they are NOT WATER PROOF. If submerged, your intake can hold or pass water. This treatment will last for six months to one year, depending on use and conditions. As a general guideline we recommend replacing your Outerwears air filter cover with every other air filter service to help maintain its intended performance benefits. A quick test can help determine if it is time to change your Pre-Filter. Simply take an ordinary clean spray bottle filled with water and gently spray the Pre-Filter. If the water beads off the Pre-Filter, your water repellency is still working. If you see water enter through the Pre-Filter, it is time to purchase a new cover.

Maintenance & Cleaning - Depending on driving conditions, service intervals may vary. We recommend you make a visual inspection as often as you would normally service your vehicle. If your vehicle sees a lot of dirt track competition (pulling / dirt drags) or dirt road driving, we recommend viewing the Pre-Filter at least after every race or trip. If you can see a significant amount of dirt, you should clean the Pre-Filter. If the only driving you experience is the street, we recommend checking the Pre-Filter every 3,000-5,000 miles. Although your Pre-filter may not require a thorough cleaning, you may want to shake off any excess dirt to maintain your optimum horsepower and fuel efficiency and then simply reinstall. Caked debris can be loosened by soaking this filter cover, after being removed from your main filter and vehicle, in a mild soapy water solution and then rinsed clean and allowed to dry before re-installation. Do not scrub or use aggressive cleaning chemicals as the pre-filter and hydrophobic treatment can become damaged resulting in reduced efficiency and premature failure.


Extra Details

Hey everybody. This is Ryan Killey over here at W Custom Fab. I am one of the sales and tech support technicians here in the office.
I'm here today to talk with you about the proper time to change your air filter and what you should not let your air filter look like.
As you can see here, I have a brand new clean air filter and an air filter far past the point of replacement. As you can tell here, this air filter is extremely dirty. Not only is there excess amount of dirt and buildup and everything in between each pleat, it's caved in. Now what happens is the more dirt and buildup that there is, the harder that your turbo has to work to suck in air. Therefore, causing this to suck itself in, we recommend replacing it about every 15,000 miles, but I also recommend checking out your air filter about every other fuel fill up.

The Outerwears Pre-filter cover helps prevent excess course material from building up on your air filter.

First thing you're going to look at is the condition of the OT wears cover. If it's covered in a lot of fine material and it just doesn't seem like it can be dusted off, the recommend rinsing it under warm water, no chemicals needed for the cleaning, then you'll want to let it air dry before you install it back on your filter.

When your outerwears cover has lost its shine. After a wash and dry maintenance cleaning, you can perform a quick test to determine whether the cover is due for replacement. If you spray the filter with water and it does not beat, it is time to replace it. The cover should also be replaced if there are any holes or tears. If you choose not to run an Outerwears cover, it will reduce the life of your air filter.

When it comes to the filter, you'll want to check it out about every other fill, like I stated before, and the proper way to actually clean this for a temporary use is to use compressed air on the inside and blow it out. If it gets to a point where blowing it out with compressed air doesn't change the color, it's not getting a lot of the fine material, at that point, it is time to replace the filter. You do not want to have your filter end up like this because you are suffocating your turbo. There you have it. There's the details to take care of your wc, fab filter, and OT Wears cover. Feel free to comment below if you had any further questions. Once again, thank you for watching. I'm Ryan Killey.



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.0 lbs.
  • W9.0000” x H1.0000” x L11.0000”

Customer Reviews

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Works great!
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Product ownership: A year or longer

Purchased from: Wehrli Custom Fabrication - WCFab

Makes my air filters last much longer keeps them dry and clean great product must have for your cold air intakes

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